First Start Children's Center

About Us

Welcome to First Start Children’s Center. We offer programs for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, as well as an after-school program and school-age summer camp programs. Numerous activities are included in these programs to keep your child interested in social and academic pursuits. All of the required NH child care licenses are held by our highly skilled and experienced team. We take pride in offering a friendly, safe, and loving environment that fosters independence, enhances self-concepts, and values individuality.

 Every year, we provide services to over 200 children from the Concord region. We have a huge cafeteria and large air-conditioned classrooms. The NH Department of Education sponsors the NH Child and Adult Care Food Program, in which the center takes part. A full-time kitchen manager oversees the full-service kitchen in our dine-in cafeteria, where they provide balanced meals. All of our students are welcome to have breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks. The nutritional recommendations made by the NH Department of Education Bureau of Food and Nutrition are taken into consideration when creating our menus. They offer every element required to create a wholesome, well-balanced diet.

 Also, there are two brand-new, age-appropriate playgrounds. These “outdoor classrooms” provide a secure setting for children to practice their gross motor abilities. Our playgrounds have a kid-safe surface that reduces the force of falls by acting as a “cushion.” There are many of options for students to enjoy the great outdoors, including the climbing dome, sand boxes with shade cover, slides, crawling tunnels, monkey bars, and bike area.

Special thanks to the generous support of the United Way and a contract with the State of New Hampshire Development Bureau, we are able to process scholarship assistance for low- and moderate-income families enabling them to receive quality care at an affordable tuition rate at our school.

 The center also enjoys the added benefits of Garrison Park, for our school age students. There is also a fenced-in, in-ground pool with certified lifeguards. During the summer, private swimming lessons are included in the tuition for Rainbow Room and Summer Program students through the Concord Parks & Recreation Program.


Contact First Start Children's Center

1 + 13 =


17 Knight Street
Concord, NH 03301
(Phone) 603-228-1341
(Fax) 603-228-3852

Center Director: Sally Wood, ext. 4203
Center Coordinator: Heather Tobine, ext. 4217

You’ve been central to our family for so many years I can’t even write this without some tears. You’ve helped our children be loving and strong. You’ve helped to teach them right from wrong. You’ve offered them chances to learn and to grow. You’ve steadied us as parents, and helped us to know that together we’ve loved and shared these children of ours.

First Start Family


Our philosophy is based on the premise that children learn most effectively through structured play and social experiences. We believe that child-centered and teacher-directed curriculum work best when carefully integrated into the daily routine. Each program’s curriculum is designed to offer the children many activities, carefully planned to serve their developmental needs. Daily schedules consist of a combination of structured and free-time activities centered on a particular theme or concept and designed to promote gross and fine motor skills, problem solving, communication and language development, as well as social and self-help skills.

First Start takes great pride in our staff and their dedication to children. Our teaching teams offer a combined total of over 125 years of experience working with children in a childcare environment. Teachers strive to foster caring and respect for self, others and property while promoting positive behavior. Making the center an enjoyable, safe, nurturing and educational environment is our primary goal. Our Staff Development program affords teachers the opportunity to enhance their teaching credentials and professional strengths through workshops, college courses and conferences. Teachers are certified in Infant and Child CPR and Basic First Aid.