Middle School Alternative Program

by Oct 29, 2024

Middle School Alternative Program

Who We Serve

The MAP program is a partnership between Rundlett Middle School and Second Start. MAP is an alternative program that serves up to ten students in the 7th or 8th grade who are exhibiting emotional dysregulation and at-risk behaviors, such as chronic absenteeism, academic disengagement, and social-emotional barriers that interfere with positive school outcomes. Students are identified, referred, assessed for fit, and if appropriate placed in the program for a minimum of one semester to work on social-emotional and academic skills. MAP utilizes individual and group instruction, social emotional learning, outdoor education and competency-based academic instruction which aligns with NH Competency Based Curriculum.  Student progress is assessed each semester with the goal of reintegration into the Rundlett Middle School.

Philosophy of the MAP program:

MAP adheres to NH System of Care Values: family and youth driven, community-based, trauma informed, and culturally and linguistically competent.  Second Start – MAP is committed to educating the whole student and programming addresses the personal, social, emotional, intellectual, work skills, safety, and security needs of all students in addition to academic achievement. The low student to staff ratio allows for a relationship-rich, wrap-around approach that provides academic and social-emotional support, referrals to community resources and advocacy for students and families.

Our Approach

It is a fundamental belief at Second Start that a student’s success in academic areas has a very positive and observable impact on self-concept. The resulting improvement in self-image and self-confidence enables the student to establish and maintain better relationships, to function more effectively within groups and to develop more appropriate and satisfying social behavior. In order to get there, we operate under the guidance of three main philosophies.

Choice Theory

Behavior is driven by 5 human needs:

  • Survival – food, shelter, safety
  • Love – connection to others, belonging, friendship
  • Freedom – having choices, autonomy, independence
  • Power – competence, recognition, respect and skills
  • Fun – laughter and sense of play, learning to do new
    things, pleasure

The Change Model

  • Stage 1: Awareness – the “Aha!” moment
  • Stage 2: Thinking – Begin to think about making a change
  • Stage 3: Planning – What are you willing to consider changing?
  • Stage 4: Action – What will you actually do to make the change
  • Stage 5: Maintain – Keep motivation; revise and adapt the plan

The Five Skills

  1. Listen
  2. Control Behavior
  3. Contribute Effectively
  4. Tolerate Feedback
  5. Accept Responsibility


MAP runs on a 180-school day calendar with students ideally transitioning into or out of the program at the semester breaks.

A student is deemed ready to return to Rundlett through the use of a data-based, team  decision-making process that includes families, students and MAP and RMS Staff. Data reviewed includes attendance, academic progress, behavioral data and social skill and self-advocacy development.  

A transition process is in place to ensure that students have the support in place to optimize the potential for a successful return to Rundlett Middle School. 

See Transition Process for more information. 

Hours of Programming: 

MAP runs between 9:00 AM-2:00 PM, Monday and Wednesday. 

MAP runs between 9:00 AM-3:00 PM, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. 

How to Enroll

Students must be referred by their school district and must be interviewed and accepted by Second Start. Parents and school personnel are encouraged to attend the interview and tour. Students who have been identified by their home school district as having special educational needs must be referred by the Special Education Office in their school district. They should contact that office to discuss a referral.


For more information about the MAP or to schedule a visit, please contact us:

5 + 11 =


The above form will be received by:

Jacqueline Wareing
Director of Adolescent Services
450 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 225-3318

Middle School Alternative Program FAQs

Does Second Start accept private pay students?

No, Second Start is currently working with Rundlett Middle School students at this time.

Who pays the tuition?

The Second Start Alternative High School Program is funded by tuition charged to the sending schools for each student.