Alternative High School

Alternative High School

Who We Serve

Since 1979 Second Start has offered an Alternative High School Program for adolescents who have previously been unable to succeed in a traditional high school setting.

The Alternative Program at Second Start enrolls approximately 35 adolescent students from the Greater Concord area. Many of these students have been identified as having learning and/or emotional handicaps that have interfered with their functioning effectively in a traditional educational setting. The Alternative Program is approved by the New Hampshire Department of Special Education to serve both Learning Disabled and Emotionally Handicapped students.

What We Offer

The PRIMARY OBJECTIVE of the Alternative Program is for students to earn credits toward graduation with a high school diploma from their sending school district.

By focusing on the core academics, along with physical education and outdoor, recreational activities at Second Start, many students are able to continue to attend their sending school for half days where they can access a variety of elective and enrichment courses. Many times this relieves a significant stressor and allows the student to succeed in both settings.

For students in need of more separation from the sending school, the Choices and TET programs are available and award elective credit through work on transition, social, work and life skills.

Our Approach

It is a fundamental belief at Second Start that a student’s success in  academic areas has a very positive and observable impact on self-concept. The resulting improvement in self-image and self-confidence enables the student to establish and maintain better relationships, to function more effectively within groups and to develop more appropriate and satisfying social behavior. In order to get there, we operate under the guidance of three main philosophies.

Choice Theory

Behavior is driven by 5 human needs:

  • Survival – food, shelter, safety
  • Love – connection to others, belonging, friendship
  • Freedom – having choices, autonomy, independence
  • Power – competence, recognition, respect and skills
  • Fun – laughter and sense of play, learning to do new
    things, pleasure

The Change Model

  • Stage 1 : Awareness – the “Aha!” moment
  • Stage 2: Thinking – Begin to think about making a change
  • Stage 3: Planning – What are you willing to consider changing?
  • Stage 4: Action – What will you actually do to make the change
  • Stage 5: Maintain – Keep motivation; revise and adapt the plan

The Five Skills

  1. Listen
  2. Control Behavior
  3. Contribute Effectively
  4. Tolerate Feedback
  5. Accept Responsibility


The Alternative High School program meets during two sessions daily. Students enrolled in only one academic session may attend the morning session from 8:00 to 11:00 or the afternoon session from 11:30 to 2:20 (Wed. 12:00 to 2:50), depending on their particular credit needs and social/ emotional fit for the group. Students attending Second Start for the entire school day will fill the other half of their day with one of two levels of Choices class (a course that uses a Personal & Social Responsibility curriculum) or a Transitional Employment Training (TET) placement which includes a class that meets once each week.

How to Enroll

Students must be referred by their school district and must be interviewed and accepted by Second Start. Parents and school personnel are encouraged to attend the interview and tour. Students who have been identified by their home school district as having special educational needs must be referred by the Special Education Office in their school district. They should contact that office to discuss a referral.

Second Start does not offer its own high school diploma. Credit for work completed in the Alternative Program is arranged with the referring school. Therefore, enrollment at Second Start (and payment of tuition) can only be arranged with the involvement of a student’s home school district. Interested students, parents and families are welcome to contact Second Start directly for more information, but will need to work with their home school district to arrange for an intake interview and enrollment. Arrangements for specific credit needs are discussed at intake, and after enrollment each student develops their Individual Learning Plan with their Second Start teachers and staff. Contractual agreements for costs are made with the sending school district for both special education and non-special education students.

For more information about the AHS or to schedule a visit, please contact us:

1 + 8 =


The above form will be received by:

Jacqueline Wareing
Director of Adolescent Services
450 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 225-3318

Alternative High School FAQs

Does Second Start accept private pay students?

No, Second Start does not grant credits or diplomas ourselves; we work with sending school districts to award credits and diplomas only, and therefore only accept students through their home school district.

Does Second Start AHS issue a diploma?

No. Students at Second Start earn credit in the classes they are taking and a credit sheet is sent to their sending school. The sending school issues a diploma. Schools vary in required courses and number of credits needed for a diploma. Second Start works with the student and their sending school to make sure that students take the required courses they need to earn a diploma.

Who pays the tuition?

The Second Start Alternative High School Program is funded by tuition charged to the sending schools for each student.

How long can I stay at Second Start?

Most students are at Second Start for one to two years. Some students enter as a junior and graduate from Second Start or decide to get their GED once they turn 18. Some students come in as ninth or tenth graders and then transition back to their sending schools when they are ready.